Hey, I’m a tiny water molecule which is made up of two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom. I can be carried by wind, gravity, animal behavior, evaporation, etc. I’ve traveled through a lot of places lately, come and I’ll tell you my journey! I started off in the soil of some wet swamps, there are barely a few plants growing (most of them couldn’t live in such moist areas.) And I was sucked up by the roots of a plant like a piece of dust sucked up by the vacuum cleaner. I worked my way up into the plant cells, helped chemical reaction to occur in order to transfer sugar into energy the plant can use. Suddenly one day this giant monster came and ate the plant I lived in. I was squeezed out of the plant by its powerful teeth and went for a tour in its digest system, filtrated together with wastes in the kidney, and peed out. And I was once again absorbed by another plant, but this time it was in the deserts! With the sun burning hot, I stayed at the surface of the leaf and was evaporated into the air. For I was too light, I continued traveling by wind and at last gathered with other molecules in the sky and formed a little cloud.
Now that we are in a cloud, we travel as a group by wind until we meet other small clouds. Then we gather together to form a bigger cloud, with many of us. And some times we get far too heavy for the wind to carry, and then part of us drops down as rain. And more rarely, the temperature is so cold up there that we freeze before dropping down, and then we come as snow. We might end up landing anywhere by chance. But this time, I was deposited near the North Pole!
Now that I’m solid, I don’t move around a whole lot. I stay there; seldom went around in snow slides but not often.
The globe was getting warmer and warmer, and I melted! Back to liquid again and I can move how I want to! So all the other runoffs gathered to form rivers, and rivers ran into ocean. I stayed at the ocean, and lived happily ever after!
糊弄老師的科學作業——水分子的自述。 標籤:身邊的科學作文 有趣的科學課作文 燕子的自述作文 蚊子的自述作文