首頁>初中作文>初三作文>when in china , do as the chinese do150字作文

when in china , do as the chinese do

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:150字

  Different countries have different customs . Here are some points you may wish to know about eating in China.

  We usually heve dinner at 6:00 pm . We only use chopsticks to have dinner . You should ask your family and grandparents to have dinner, and wish your hand when you under the table . When grandparents begin to eat , we can eat , it is the basic courtesy . After the dinner , you should help the others to wash the blows and dopsticks. When you have dinner , you should chew carefully and swallow slowly .

when in china , do as the chinese do 標籤:theseason作文 thestars作文 thedog作文 happiness作文