

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:300字

My favourite season

  There are four season in a year:Spring、Summer、Autumn、Winter.I like autumn best.Do you like it ?

  In autumn,the weather is not so hot as in summer and not so cold as in winter.and the sky is always blue.It”s windy.In autumn ,you can do many things .You can go to a park or go to a countryside to have a sight seeing(開闊視野)and yu can have a trip,it”s the best time for travelling.

  Autumn is the harvest(收穫)season.We can eat all kindsof fresh fruit and they are very cheapat this time of year.I like eating fruit.So I like autumn and the autumn is very beautiful.   PS;這篇作文寫的是我的真實感受,這篇文章我們的英語老師說寫的還可以,希望大家都來評價,要真實的哦.我想無論是什麼文章,只要用心去寫了,就一定會有收穫.經常看英語作文,還有助於提高英語水平呢!

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