

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:300字


House, it’s very important for us, because we must study, live ,and sleep in it .

My dream house is very different from the usual house. I would like to introduce it to you if you are interested in it.

The shape of my dream house like a strawberry; the roof if green, and walls are red.

Let’s enter my dream house and look around: it consists of a living-room, a study-room, a bedroom, and a bathroom. The wall of the bedroom is covered with mink, so that I can sleep with a sweet dream and feel more comfortable. There are a lot of things in my house ----such as computers,televisions, telephones, tables, beds, and so on. Of course, the cost of my dream house is very big, too.

How can make my dream come true? We will realize it only by our hard working.

作者:饒月 武漢市第二師範附屬小學六年級

常青藤英語RITA 老師點評:饒月同學夢中的小屋象一顆草莓。綠色的屋頂,紅色的牆面,富有想象力,屋內的擺設既現代又舒適。一位小學生能用地道的英語寫出這麼生動的短文 真讓人興奮。

一位六年級小學生寫的英語小文章 標籤:六年級作文 我的六年級作文 六年級畢業作文 六年級的生活作文