

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:900字

A   Pig  

Once,  there  is  a  black  pig.  It’s  name   is  “fat  and fat” =“best  fat”.   It  is   so  fat,   because   it  don’t  like  sports  and   working,  and  like  eat.   it  has   2000  kg .  So   many  people  don’t  play   with   it,   because   it   is   very   fat.  

 One  day,   it   said  : “Oh.  Who  can  play   with   me?’’  

 It  go  out,  and   meet  the   rabbit.   It  said   to  the  rabbit :“Rabbit,  rabbit,  let  me  play  with   you.” “No,  no,  no.  You  are  so   fat   and   black.  I   don’t  like  you.   You  will   flattening  me. ”The   rabbit   said.  Then  it   run   to   the   park.  

 And  the   pig   meet   the  dog.   It  said  :“Dog,  dog,   can  you   play   with   me?”   “No,  no,   no.  The  elephant   has    1000  kg ,   but   you   have   2000  kg .   I   don”t   want  to   play   with   you.   Bye!”  

 It  is   very   unhappy,  and   it   said:“Oh,  my   god!”   

 It   want  to   thin   some.   It  run    1000  m   erery  day;  don’t   eat   so   many   foods;   and  play   football  

erery   day.  But   it   can   not   hold   on.   So,   on   next   mouth,   it   has    2050  kg !  

   And  it  said:“whyyyyyyyyyy?”