How time flies!Who is able to give a certain definition to his future?I know clearly that these high buildings are based on sold foundation.As a student,I shuold have a reasonable aim,and study hard.My goal is to enter the best university for future study after middle school.I know it is a hard work and I”ll meet with many difficuties and frustrations,but no matter what they are,I”ll keep working on it and never give up.My teacher says there”s only one kind of poeple that are successfull:those who are brave enough to put up with hardships.Even if I won”t achieve the goal,I have no regrets for what I have done.Beacause I have struggled for my life!
Let”s go for our dreams!Make your life colorfull because of your struggling!
fightformydream 標籤:my dream作文 waitfor作文 dream作文 adream作文