

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:500字

Dear Rita,

  How is everything going?  I’d like to introduce my friend, TIAN TIAN , to you. She’s twelve year-old. She’s got short hair and big eyes. She likes swimming、reading books and singing. She will study in George Spencer School for one year. I’ve already told her many things about you. I belive that you will be good friends. She’ll arrive on August the first at the London Xiseluo airport. She’ll arrive at 4 o’ clock in the afternoon.Remember, she will wear a green shirt、blue shorts and a pair of sunglasses.

  Will you please be kind enough to meet her at the airport? Many thanks.

  Best wishes.  


  Li  Hua


  假如你叫李華,你的朋友田甜將去英國George Spencer School學習一年,並將乘飛機於8月1日下午4點到達倫敦希斯羅機場。請你將她的基本情況介紹給你的英國朋友Rita,希望她們成為好朋友,並請Rita去機場接她。請根據以上內容給Rita寫一封信,介紹田甜的年齡、外貌、性格以及愛好。詞數80左右,開頭結尾已經寫好,不計入總詞數。

中考英語作文 標籤:英語作文 中考優秀作文 期中考試作文 中考作文