首頁>初中作文>初三作文>i am proud of myself200字作文

i am proud of myself

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:200字

I am proud of myself 

  I am an activity girl. I have many advantages, like: Chinese speaking, have good memory, tell jokes, love to do homework, and so on. 

  I used to join the Chinese speeches contest. When I join the speech contest, I always take the first price. But I am very unhappy. Because they are not very good. 

  I have very strong memory. During the summer holiday, my mother taught me English, I remember the word in five minutes, even faster. 

  I tell the joke always make people laugh. I can do a lot of homework at the age of student. Like: cooking, cleaning the housework so on. 

  So I am very proud of myself. 


i am proud of myself 標籤:myself作文 inmyhouse作文 myhouse作文 myschool作文