

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:200字

 spring  Rain

  spring comes.lt'sgetting warmer and warmer.Everything is dry, trees, fields and even the air. Just then, it rains. lt's as soft as silk. ltwashes the dirty of the earth and waters the plants and the fields. lt also waters people's hears. Farmers stand in the spring rain and smile.Spring rain is as dear as oil They seem to see the harvest time inautumn. Spring rain brings water to the air. It also brings hope to people.


  春天到了,天氣越來越暖和,萬物都很乾燥,樹呀、田呀,甚至空氣都是如此。就在這時,下雨了。它如絲般柔軟,它洗掉了地上的塵土,澆灌了植物和農田, 它澆灌了人們的心。農民們站在春雨中微笑,春雨貴如油,他們彷彿看到了秋天的豐收時節。春雨為空氣帶來了水分,為人們帶來了希望。

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