首頁>初中作文>初三作文>what kind of music you like best150字作文

what kind of music you like best

白雲飄飄作文網 字數:150字

  What kind music do you like best?While somebody still stisk to only one

 kind of music,I like to listening different kinds of music depending on how I

 feel that day.

  when I was sad and down,I would like loud and rock music ,It will cheers me

 up again,And I feel the anergy from my feet move up my body ,when I tired that

 finished working.I want to listening music that is smooth ,It can make me

 relax.When I was very happy ,I want to listen classic music ,It can makes me

 happier!My parents is not as the same as me, they always singing folk music when

 they are working!

what kind of music you like best 標籤:music作文 iloveyou作文 loveyou作文 foryou作文